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About Us

Time spent playing is never wasted...

Tiny Totz Playgroup is ...

Tiny Totz was founded in April 2016 to provide a 100% non-sexual environment for littles and their Bigs who did not feel safe or comfortable in sexual or mixed ageplay settings.  It was started by Stephypooh who saw  a desperate need in her community for a safe, non-sexual space where non-sexual littles could play and meet without fear or judgement.

Here at Tiny Totz, we aim to provide an environment that is reminiscent of a preschool or daycare environment while still allowing all age ranges to feel welcome and accommodated. We have spaces for infants & toddlers, preschool and school aged littles.  It is our goal to provide a space for established ageplayers and age regressors as well as a great introductory experience for people just starting out or trying to find out what this lifestyle is about.  Tiny Totz provides diapering supplies from various brands, binkies/pacifiers and sippy cups in various styles as well as a wide range of toys for our guests to borrow for the day.


While we cater our activities and playspace towards our little counterparts, we also provide seating, snacks and beverages for our Bigs so they can monitor and play with their littles with ease.  Our teacher-led activities are performed by our Helping Hands volunteers and include Circle Time, Art Time, Snack Time and Group Activities all based around our monthly theme.


We do not yet have a Diaper Changing Assistant, though we are looking, and have many people who are knowledgeable about diapering and can assist with advice.

Upcoming Events:
Dec 7-8 Field Trip: Zoolights and Cocoa Movie Night at Air BnB

Are you ready to end the year with a Tiny Totz field trip?  We certainly are!  The Totz are headed to Seattle and the Woodland Park Zoo for a fun filled evening of lights, faux snowball fights, night time carousel rides, laughing and of course: HOT CHOCOLATE!

This event is $100/person and includes admission to the Wildlights event, overnight at a private Air BnB, dinner & breakfast at the Air BnB.

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